St Gabriel's Primary School Reservoir
We continue to provide Education influenced and supported by the Australian Curriculum. We ensure all areas of the curriculum are designed with a concept-based approach and ‘drenched’ in our ‘place’ of being – Reservoir. At all times our whole group learning is designed by a team of qualified Educators within the school supported by Educators who have higher qualifications within a specific field such as Curriculum, Literacy, or Numeracy Masters.
The enrolment forms includes the following policies and forms:
Enrolment agreement
Family occupation index
Consent to transfer information
Parent code of conduct
Student code of conduct
School photography & recording permission form
Before & Afterschool Care
Our ‘Out of School Care Hours’ service is shared across both schools. We are fortunate to have ‘Team Kids’ as our service provider. Their vision – a patch for every child to GROW, aligns with both our schools and we’re very excited to be sharing the learning journey with such a professional organization.
Please ask the office for more information.